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Teacher Training Level 1

The Aquarian Age Level 1 Teacher Training is a 220 hour Kundalini Yoga professional certification program as taught by Yogi Bhajan®.

The training course for Kundalini Yoga teachers 2021/2022 was born from the collaboration of several centers in different parts of Italy, which feel the need to develop group awareness (Sangat).

Online and in presence whenever possible, it will be an itinerant course that will see us hosted from time to time in a different center.

The meetings will be held on Saturday and Sunday, plus two residential ones that will be hosted at "Sebomai" (Magliano Sabina)

The course starts on 17/18 April 2021 with scheduled appointments as per the calendar.

Download the registration form

at the National Teacher Training 2021/2021

Teacher Training Level 2

Course open to First Level KRI Instructors, This 300 hour certification program consists of 5 modules of 62 hours. Those who finish the Second Level path get the title of KRI Certified Practitioner of Kundalini Yoga.

The level 2 training course stimulates and supports the transformation process achieved with the practice of Kundalini Yoga and is divided into 5 modules that deepen 5 fundamental aspects of awareness.

  • Conscious communication

  • Mind and meditation

  • Authentic relationships

  • Life cycles and lifestyles

  • Vitality and stress

Teacher Training Level 3

The Course is in itself an amazing opportunity to meditate more deeply, and still find motivation and direction in our practice and sadhana and give more space to our awareness in the vastness of Kundalini Yoga.

The 21 Stages of Meditation will give us the tools and experience to deepen our meditation and come to a deep understanding of our Self.

The 21 stages of meditation are divided into 3 phases:

  • The manifest Self

  • The crystallized Self

  • The transcendent Self

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