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[...] Meanwhile, I log on to zoom for the last meeting of the yoga class to become a teacher.


Sandra writes to me from her home: I like it more when you're in your parents' room.


She shows me the shirt I gave her, and as I see Radhe's smile looking at Krishna… I think how much I missed that kind smile from Ostia.


Serena frees the necklace I gave her from her shirt and screams from the screen .. I MISS YOU !! And I think that not even the coronavirus has the power to separate the worlds that are meant to walk together.


Lauretta teases me to see that my phone flies from the bedside table !! it's wonderful to see her again, her voice sings even in a simple greeting.


I look at Riccardo, I look at the group, he seems to be returning home.


Even the Spaniards from Barcelona are among us, the miracles of technology !!


We have reached the end of a journey that I will never forget.


I carry in my heart the nights in Magliano, the confrontations, the crises, the doubts, the laughter, the breakfasts standing up, the lunches in the sun, the yoga in the garden, the smile of Hari Bajhan, Sadhana Singh who makes a sore go away head with the mere presence, Antonella bringing the pizza, the evenings at the Infernetto, the pillows that swell with the heart, Riccardo laughing, Lauretta confiding in herself, Sandra and Serena accompanying me to the bar, chats with Massimo, Marzia and Davide, Giulia's songs, meditation with Eleonora, Manuel walking with Sabrina, the sea of ​​Osia at the end of the weekend.


Everything, I have everything in my eyes.


And what comes out of my belly .. hot, is that a teacher does not give you only caresses .. he also takes you by the hair until he drags you on the path of the heart.


I thanked all the people who have been close to me on this journey, who supported me, encouraged me, helped me, all my affections, who didn't let me give up in moments of weakness, to give me strength when I had resistance.


Family, friends, people who understood how important this journey was for me.


With Riccardo we laughed and cried, we saw the mind brushing the clouds after a krya with Sadhana Singh, the soul taking all the space after a meditation with Hari Bajhan, vibrating like a gong after classes as pure as Claudio's pearls.


It was a difficult journey, but the most fascinating of my life.


There is no journey more important than what you do with yourself.


When you look at yourself, you no longer have veils.


You are in front of yourself, you are the boxer who knocks you down, you are the warrior who gets up.

Hari Bhajan, while making us squeeze our hearts and pull us out of the body, with delicate sincerity admits: "Infinity can be revealed in this life."


We are all afraid of losing in this life. The body, the awards, the money, the health, the securities, the things, the loved ones.


Yet, in this life we ​​get there without any of that.


We arrive pure, innocent, defeated and free.


You're defeated when you don't care about winning, you care about living.


And whoever lives, sings. It takes the sun and the rain. He takes insults and puts on top of the rest that life gives us every day.


I look at Angela's smile resting on the wall. It has wings without knowing it. His always generous heart knows how to surprise like a song at dawn.


I have too many images that I carry around.


The sunset over the sea of ​​Ostia, the waves that calm down while Laura sings.


Sandra who takes the wind of the sand and the stones of life, with a kick makes time slip between the wheels of the smart, and flies free, behind a hug at the station, sure to make it again this time, if only to continue enjoying in front of the sea ​​a cedar taxoni.


When during a krya, we keep the leg up.


What really trembles is our desire to overcome fears.


It takes endless experiences to meet the right woman.


The same is true of yoga.


It shows up to you when you are ready to commit.


Osho once said .. "if you are not like everyone they will never forgive you."


Well, anyone who has chosen a barefoot walk on burning stones knows. He knows he doesn't do it for himself, he does it to make room. To let as many people as possible enter that door, this life is a free party for everyone, you just need the crazy courage to make your way to get there.


Today, I feel like a blessed son. In the center of the crowd, I feel only the wind on my neck. Son of gratitude, I look up at the blue of the sky between the windows of the neighborhood.


The infinite hides under a white robe, puts on the turban and sings.




The look of a man is radiant Completely surrendered to the desperate attempt to put on the right outfit for the appointment with the truth.




To you who have allowed me to enter, without making noise, the kingdom of those who seek.


Sometimes a mat, glued to the ground, is enough to look up, to dry a cry.


A cry can become a saint, or a man who loves so much, or just a dream that opens the doors and sits next to the other.


It was wonderful.


Love is our destiny.


A teacher's job is to follow him.


Because Anything he wants ..


It is showing us the way of the heart.

Valerio Petrone Student Teacher Training Level 1 - La Via del Cuore, Rome 2019/2020

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It is a truly special class, Patrizia, Raffaella, Viorela, Stella, Amanda, Camo, Cinzia, Sonia, Alessandro, Manuela guide of our Sadhanas, wonderful and authentic souls who let themselves meet each with their own baggage of being and being there.

It is so simple to meet them every time and they are a network that supports me so that I can have that full gaze without a border, really high, of love.

Thank you so much.

Linda student of the Teacher Training Level 1 Budokan, Rome 2019/2020

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